
Want better results? My 6 Week Home Fitness Program and Signature RyFit Exercise Bands will get you there!

Digital Home Training Program + 'Glutey' Bands Exercise Kit

The 6 Week Home Fitness Program includes my most effective home workouts in an easy to follow plan with how-to videos; creating challenging workouts for all fitness levels. 

3 RyFit Glutey resistance bands are my secret weapon for training my glutes and lower body. My kit comes with 3 different resistance levels for varying muscle strength & exercise difficulty: light, medium, strong. You’ll put these to good use in your training program! 

  • Light: 14-25 lbs,
  • Medium: 25-35 lbs,
  • Strong: 40-50 lbs


*Home FItness Program is a digital product delivered via email

*Glutey Bands will be shipped in 3 days (shipping worldwide)

$79 USD Regular Price
$49.95 USD *Launch Week ONLY

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